Develop a new bilingual identity system for CHAT's Co-Learn Program that efficiently translates the idea of an intersection that celebrates the work and conversations of artists beyond nation boundaries.
Spring 2023, 7 Weeks
Instructor—Kelsey Elder
CHAT (Centre for Heritage, Arts and Textile) is a part of the heritage conservation project of The Mills, the former cotton-spinning mills of Nan Fung Textiles in Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong. The CHAT Co-Learn Programme is a multifaceted platform that aims to weave a creative experiences for residents and visitors world wide.
Given that many talks, forums, and presentations take place here annually, I created business cards that effectively adapts the bilingual system and encourages people to reach out to one another for more future work activities. Language versions are direct reflections of each other.
With the extensive documentation of CHAT's various events throughout the years, I also created a centralized online space for all past and current events to easily filter, search, and navigate through information.
As most brand identity projects go, there are many moments in the exploration phase that I think are worth sharing. The process and efficiency of making things in a digital space is incredibly reliant on the tool.
As I create, I’m always consciously thinking about how something works, what is vectorized, what is text formats, what can I do with certain methods of distortion, possibilities for kinetic versions… To me it’s the most exciting part of making because it can really surprise you.
I had a lot of different issues with animating highly complex vectors. The shape build tool is not something you can abuse, or else you will end up with 2000 vectors in after effects. But check out some cool things that happened along the way!!